Bennett, Jeanette

Bennett, Jeanette
I am an experimental health psychologist whose research examines how our experiences “get under the skin” via stress and affects our health, physical and mental. Although chronic stress can be detrimental on the body and mind, acute or manageable stress improves our cognitive, emotional, mental and physical functioning. We attempt to understand how acute, healthy stress becomes derailed and toxic as well as investigate innate individual differences that buffer or behavioral interventions that inhibit or reverse the negative effects of chronic stress. In addition, I direct the Department of Psychological Science’s Biobehavioral Core (BBC) Lab. Through the BBC Lab, faculty and students within and outside of Psychological Science can seek guidance and research collaboration for grant submission as well as research implementation, including data collection and analysis
Potential research assistants or Honors students should check both my teaching and research websites for more information, including teaching and research assistant applications.