Emeriti Faculty

Education: B.A.: Northeastern University Ph.D.: Indiana University Specific Research Interests: Relationship development and maintenance Posttraumatic growth processes Humor and sense of humor Development and impact of gender role stereotypes

Education: B.A., Ph.D.: Indiana University Specific Research Interests: Community psychology Community-based participatory research Support for families involved in mental health and child protective services Evaluation of early childhood and prevention programs Dr. Cook’s Website

Education: B.A.: Emmanuel College M.A., Ph.D.: Iowa State University Specific Research Interests: Perception and human performance Visual attention and perception Pain reactions in patients with chromic pain syndromes Computer-based applications in research and instruction

Currently, my primary research areas is in the study of Complementary and Alternative Medicine: efficacy of specific approaches (such as yoga) and predictors of use. Other recent research has focused on brief mindfulness meditation; efficacy of online meditation; and the predictors of adherence to meditation practice.

Throughout my career I have done extensive work involving perceived organizational support. I have been interested in POS largely because there are many well-being outcomes when one feels supported and cared about by their work organization. I plan to continue to work in the employee well-being area generally, with future research focusing on the physical […]