Graduate School in Psychology Showcase 2021

If you are thinking about pursuing a graduate degree in psychology, this is a great opportunity to learn more about graduate school! This year, we had 2 weeks of events. Events during the first week are targeted primarily to freshmen and sophomores who are thinking about graduate school; events during the second week are targeted primarily to juniors and seniors who will soon be applying for graduate programs.
Recordings of the sessions can be found on our Department’s YouTube page.
Session 1 – Exploring Programs
Learn about topics like how graduate school is different than being an undergraduate, how to find information about graduate programs, a brief overview of different types of graduate programs.
Session 2 – Types of Graduate Programs
This session will go into more detail about the differences in the types of graduate programs (e.g., Master’s vs. Ph.D. vs. Psy.D.).
Session 3 – Becoming a Successful Applicant
Learn how to gain relevant experiences and skills that will make you a competitive applicant for graduate school: research, teaching assistantships, the honors program, other campus resources, important skills, and strong references.
Session 4 – Making Connections with Faculty
Learn how to make connections with faculty inside and outside of the classroom, how to do so in online classes, and why this is so important.
Session 5 – Becoming a Successful Applicant for Ph.D. and Clinical Programs
This session is intended for students who plan to apply for PhD and clinical programs. You will hear from faculty who review PhD admissions applications about what they look for in an applicant – skills, experiences, GPA & GRE, etc.
Session 6 – Becoming a Successful Applicant for Master’s and Applied Programs
This session is intended for students who plan to apply for Master’s and applied programs. You will hear from faculty who review Master’s admissions applications about what they look for in an applicant – skills, experiences, GPA & GRE, etc. There will be a representative from Master’s programs in Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Counseling, and Social Work
Session 7 – Writing Better Personal Statements
Learn how to write a strong personal statement.
Session 8 – Graduate Applications and Tests
Learn about the application process, the different parts of the application, test scores, and more.
Session 9 – Paying for Graduate Programs
Learn about the financial considerations of graduate school and the many funding options to help pay for graduate school.
Session 10 – Graduate Student Panel
Hear from current graduate students about what graduate school is really like. We will have both PhD and Master’s students participating on the panel.