Declaring the Psychology Major
Upcoming Declaration Periods:
The Spring 2025 declaration period has closed
We do not have a Summer declaration period
The Fall 2024 declaration period has closed
Are you a Student wishing to transfer to UNC Charlotte from another institution as a Psychological science Major?
Please sign up for an account on the Future 49er Web Portal website. Once you have created an account, you can fill out an application to attend UNC Charlotte and select Psychological Science as your intended Major.
Are you a student currently enrolled at UNC Charlotte and would like to change your major to Psychological science (or add Psychological science as a 2nd major)?
You will need to meet certain criteria outlined below and participate in our declaration process.
There are several requirements that need to be met before a student may apply to change their major to Psychological Science. In progress work is not accepted, meaning that all pre-requisite coursework needs to be completed and a grade shown on the Banner transcript.
Declaration Criteria:
- General Psychology (PSYC 1101) must be completed with a grade of C or better within two (2) attempts.
- An attempt is defined as: earning an A, B, C, D or F, a W (Withdrawal), using a Grade Replacement (QX), taking a course on an audit (AU), or Pass/No Credit basis (P/N), or an Incomplete (I).
- Statistics (1220, 1221 or 1222) must be completed with a grade of C or better within two (2) attempts.
- An attempt is defined as: earning an A, B, C, D or F, a W (Withdrawal), using a Grade Replacement (QX), taking a course on an audit (AU), or Pass/No Credit basis (P/N), or an Incomplete (I).
- A Natural Science course with a lab must be completed with a grade of C or better.
- The course must be eligible to earn General Education Natural Science Credit. Psychology courses (ex. PSYC 1101) may not be used for this requirement.
- Higher level science classes may also be used to meet this requirement if you have taken the class with a corresponding lab (e.g. BIOL 2120/2130 and 2140L)
- An overall GPA of 2.00.
- A Psychological Science GPA of 2.0 (includes Psychology courses, Statistics, and Natural Sciences, one with a lab).
**When you have met all of the above requirements you may apply for the major.**
PLEASE Note: Beginning with the term after being accepted as a Psychological Science major there will be a three-course sequence that must be taken consecutively not concurrently (CANNOT be taken at the same time):
- Research Methods I (PSYC 2101)
- Research Methods II (PSYC 2103) or Critical Thinking About Research (PSYC 2104)
- A senior Capstone course.
Each course serves as a pre-requisite for the other and each class must be taken separately. Summer availability of these courses is NOT guaranteed, if offered will be extremely limited, and should not be expected.
To graduate, a student must earn the last 25% of baccalaureate degree requirements at UNC Charlotte, including the last 12 semester hours of work in the major field and at least six hours of any minor field of study.
To declare the psychological science major (closed):
The Psychological Science Major Application (Closed)