Declaring the Psychology Minor
Upcoming Declaration Periods:
The Spring 2025 declaration period will begin February 3rd at 8AM and end February 28th at 5PM
We do not have a Summer declaration period
The Fall 2024 declaration period has closed
Declaring Psychological Science as a Minor
There are several requirements needed before a student may apply to become a Psychological Science minor. In progress work is not accepted, all pre-requisite coursework needs to be completed and a grade shown on the Banner transcript.
- General Psychology (PSYC 1101) must be completed with a grade of C or better within two (2) attempts.
- An attempt is defined as: earning an A, B, C, D or F, a W (Withdrawal), using a Grade Replacement (QX), taking a course on an audit (AU), or Pass/No Credit basis (P/N), or an Incomplete (I).
- A Natural Science course with a lab must be completed with a grade of C or better.
- The course must be eligible to earn General Education Natural Science Credit. Psychology courses (ex. PSYC 1101) may not be used for this requirement.
- Higher level science classes may also be used to meet this requirement if you have taken the class with a corresponding lab (e.g. BIOL 2120/2130 and 2140L)
- An overall GPA of 2.00.
- A Psychological Science GPA of 2.0 (includes Psychology courses and Natural Sciences, one with a lab).
**When you have met all four of these requirements you may apply for the minor.**
To graduate, a student must earn the last 25% of baccalaureate degree requirements at UNC Charlotte, including the last 12 semester hours of work in the major field and at least six hours of any minor field of study.