Frequently Asked Questions

The Program

How long will it take me to finish the program?

Two years. The program operates as a cohort model, meaning that we take a class every other year. Once a class starts the program, they go through it together. Students take two courses a semester for two years: Fall and Spring of Year 1, Summer of Year 1 (yes, there are courses in the summer), and Fall and Spring of Year 2.

What courses are offered in the program?

Here is a sample of courses and when you might take them. Please note that this is only a sample and it is subject to change.
Fall Year 1: Introduction to I/O; Organizational Research Methods and Analytics (Part 1)
Spring Year 1: Organizational Research Methods and Analytics (Part 2); Job Attitudes
Summer Year 1: Organization Development and Change; Seminar in Organizational Psychology
Fall Year 2: Talent Acquisition; Measurement in Organizations
Spring Year 2: Talent Management; Seminar in Talent Management
Summer Year 2: Readings and Research in Psychology (to take the comprehensive exam)

What is a comprehensive exam?

The purpose of the comprehensive exam is to assess your knowledge of the key topics, issues, theories and practices within the field of I/O psychology, broadly defined. The field of I/O psychology is quite broad, dealing with a large number of issues relevant to organizations. The knowledge base is so large that it would not be possible to acquire deep knowledge on all topics within the field during your training. As such, we have two choices for your training: provide you with (a) a lot of knowledge about a few of the topics (fidelity) or (b) a little knowledge about most of the topics (bandwidth). We believe that MA students are best served by developing bandwidth. As such, you are required to take classes dealing with many of the topics in the field rather than specializing in a certain area. We believe that the goal of the exam should match our training strategy. So, the exam has been designed to assess your knowledge across the entire field of I/O psychology. Your performance on the exam will allow the faculty to evaluate your development as a broadly trained I/O psychologist, and, just as importantly, will provide you with diagnostic information about your own development.

In what years will you be admitting students?

We admit new cohorts in the fall of even years. New classes will be accepted for Fall 2026, Fall 2028, etc.

PLEASE NOTE: This program only accepts new students in even years, so please apply for a fall term with an even year (i.e. fall 2026). Only currently enrolled Ph.D. Organizational Science applicants may select an odd year to apply to the program. If you try to apply for admission for an odd year (e.g., fall 2025) your application will be denied, as that application term is only for currently enrolled Ph.D. Organizational Science students.

What if I have a conflict that prevents me from taking a course?

Although we understand that situations do come up, given the cohort model that we have established for the program, missing a course (or a semester) would put you very far behind in the program. Since we will only be taking a class of students every other year, our courses will only be offered every other year. So, missing one would mean that you would have to wait two years for the course to be offered again. Therefore, you will not be able to miss any courses that are offered and still graduate in a timely manner. Please plan accordingly. We hold courses during the evenings (typically, Monday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 – 8:45 pm).

Can students begin the program in the Spring Semester?

No. Our program is designed as a cohort program meaning that all students start together in the fall semester and progress through the program together as a group.

I have a number of hours in another master’s program. Will they all be accepted towards the master’s at UNC Charlotte?

A maximum of six hours may be accepted from another institution. Whether or not any hours are transferred is entirely at the discretion of our department and will depend on the nature of classes you took.

What will I be able to do with a master’s degree in I/O psychology?

Our graduates typically work in human resources management, management consulting, organizational development, and related areas. Please see our Careers page for more information on careers in I/O psychology.

How much does it cost?

The University sets tuition and fee rates each year. The numbers for the most recent school year can be on Niner Central. When looking at the chart, it is important to remember that you will be taking 6 credits per semester (Fall, Spring, Summer, Fall, Spring) and one credit in the final Summer term.

I/O Psychology

What is the difference between a MA in I/O Psychology and a MBA with an emphasis on HR?

There is a real difference in the skills and qualifications of someone with an advanced degree in I/O psychology and someone with an advanced degree from a business school (i.e., the MBA). The key differentiator, as we see it, is the application of science. I/O Psychology is an applied science. We teach students to solve organizational problems through the application of science, be that consulting the research literature or actually conducting the research. As such, our students are trained in the scientific method, are taught skills in measurement theory and data analysis, and are prepared to apply knowledge and skills to the work environment. In contrast, MBA programs usually teach using the case study methodology; they analyze problems faced by companies and discuss ways of addressing or approaching those problems. While this methodology is certainly valuable, especially when it comes to application of knowledge to organizational settings, it does not teach a scientific approach. MBA students are not typically given the skills to evaluate research, conduct research, or perform data analyses (i.e., analytics). Individuals with a degree in I/O psychology have unique sets of skills that are highly valued by organizations. This value is becoming stronger as organizations rely more and more on data to understand themselves and their employees.

Does the I/O Psychology program have any ties to the MBA program?

The faculty have good working relationships with several of the members of the Management Department, but the I/O program is not formally associated with the MBA program.

General Application Issues and Questions

We have, and will continue to, take a holistic view of the applicant’s materials when making our final admissions decisions and we do not solely exclude applicants based on any one of our criteria.

Do I need to take the GRE or other Standardized Test?


How important is the personal statement that is part of the application form? What should I include in it?

This is a very important part of your application as it is your opportunity to talk directly to the admissions committee. There are specific essay questions that we ask you to address in your personal statement. See link to personal statement instructions in our Application Process tab section of the IO program website. Those personal statement instructions (or a link to our website) should also appear in the Graduate School’s applicant portal once you have started your application. Answer those questions and upload it as your personal statement in the application portal.

In addition to the content, the quality of the writing and formatting also matter. The committee will look at writing quality as part of their evaluation. Now, you have to remember you are writing to an audience of scientists and practitioners of I/O psychology – you are not applying to an English Literature program. So, writing quality is not about how many big words you use, the length and complexity of your sentences, or the number of adjectives you can squeeze in. It is about simple, clear, and logical writing.

Please keep each essay to approximately one page, double-spaced for a statement total length of three pages, double-spaced.

What’s the most important element of the application?

It’s really hard to say. We typically have well over 150 applications for about 12-15 spots in our cohort. Thus, admission to the program is competitive. However, we engage in holistic review of as many applications as possible; that is, we consider all of the student’s admission information in making our decisions and do not rule students out based solely on one thing. However, because of the sheer volume of applications, we often need to make an initial evaluation based on things like GPA or other factors in the application materials, and then do a more thorough evaluation of the remaining applicants.

If I meet all minimum standards will I be accepted?

Admission to the program is competitive. We typically have well over 150 applications for about 12-15 spots in our cohort. We consider all of the student’s admission information in making our decisions.

I am planning to apply to the graduate program. Will taking either undergraduate or graduate classes at UNC Charlotte improve my chances of being admitted to the program?

No, taking classes at UNC Charlotte will not enhance your chances of being admitted to the program. Your application will be viewed along with all other applicants and judged on its merit.

Do early applications receive priority?

No, because we will not begin reviewing applications until after the February 15th deadline. Anyone who applies by the stated application deadline (February 15th) will be given full consideration. 

When will I know if I have been accepted?

We will let you know as soon as we can. You should expect decisions by about early April, although sometimes it takes until May 1st or so to finalize the cohort.

Can I submit an application after the deadline?

If you miss the deadline (even by only a few days), it is highly unlikely your application will be considered, as we typically receive many more applications than we can offer spots in the program to, and priority will go to those who were on-time with their applications.

Do you accept international students?

Unfortunately, because our program is part-time only, visa requirements do not allow us to admit international students.

Applicants who are Working Professionals

Is the program right for me?

Our program is designed to be accessible for working professionals. Courses will be offered in the evenings and on weekends so that individuals who work full-time can complete the program. The program is ideal for people working in an I/O-related field, such as in a Human Resources function within an organization, who are looking for a degree that will allow them to expand their career options.

The program would also be appropriate for working individuals looking to change careers and for individuals who have just completed an undergraduate degree. Work in an I/O-related career is not required for admittance into the program.

Who should I have write my letters of recommendation?

If you received a bachelor’s degree five or more years ago, we suggest that you seek out recommenders who can speak to your capabilities and potential as an I/O or HR professional (e.g., supervisors, coworkers, individuals with an advanced I/O degree). If you have recently graduated from a bachelors program, we suggest that you seek out academic recommenders who can speak to your potential for graduate studies.

What if my undergraduate degree was not in psychology?

While a degree in psychology or business is not required, applicants with backgrounds in these disciplines may be given preferential treatment.

I have been out of school a long time. Will I be the only older student in my classes?

No, we have a variety of students in the program that vary with respect to age and experience.

Applicants who are NOT Working Professionals

Who should I have write my letters of recommendation?

We suggest that you seek out academic recommenders who can speak to your potential for graduate studies.

What if my undergraduate degree was not in psychology?

While a degree in psychology or business is not required, applicants with backgrounds in these disciplines may be given preferential treatment.

Is there financial assistance available?

Not at this time. Instead, we have arranged the program as a part-time, evening program so that students can work full-time if desired to help keep their income stream going and gain valuable, often I-O relevant work experience during their time in the program. Sometimes the organization students work for helps to cover tuition for them.

Practical and Research Experiences

Are students able to assist in faculty research?

It is not typical for students to get involved in research with faculty. Because ours is a part-time, evening program offered at our Center City campus, most students choose to work full-time to gain work experience and keep their income stream going during graduate school rather than to engage in research while here. Most of our students are oriented towards building their applied experience during the program rather than their research experience.

Is an internship required? Can I do an internship?

As many of our students are already working in I/O-related jobs, an internship is not a required component of the program. However, there are also students in our program that are not working professionals and need relevant experience. We will occasionally forward job and internship opportunities to students, and you should be actively looking for internship experiences if you desire one.